SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端


2016-06-12 5,864 百度已收录

SSH Shel是一款 Mac 上专业的终端 SSH 工具,类似于SecureCRT,支持 SSH1、SSH2、Telnet远程连接,同时具有很多实用和专业的辅助功能,支持广泛的终端仿真、文件传输、脚本等,非常的优秀!

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SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 介绍

SSH Shell lets you login to your server with one click.

Notable Features
  • Can manage multiple SSH sessions for different servers
  • Automatically reconnect after disconnected by errors or waking up from sleep
  • Remember and autofill SSH login passwords in OS X keychain automatically
  • Able to manage private keys, and can remember / forget passphrases of private keys in keychain
  • Servers can be imported from / exported as JSON file
  • Integrated terminal is compatible with / xterm / iTerm2
SSH Functions
  • Able to compress SSH connection
  • Support public-key, password, and keyboard-interactive authentication methods
  • Support Google Authenticator and Authy for two-step verification
  • Support multi-factor authentication
  • Can deal with DSA, RSA, ECDSA, and ed25519 private-key types
  • RFC4716, PKCS#8, and PEM key formats are supported, compatible with OpenSSH


This update contains tons of enhancements over previous version. Customizable color schemes and colorful indicators are the most prominent changes visible to users. We also rearrange shortcuts that allows you operate SSH Shell effortless. Besides, we improved underlying performance, fixed critical bugs, SSH Shell is now even more reliable.

Full changelog:

## Major Changes

1. New: compatible with OS X 10.10 and later
2. New: add an option for running remote command automatically after logged in
3. New: record shell session output into specified directory
4. New: hard / soft reset
5. New: hosts list popover and a search field for filtering
6. New: hosts in preferences window now sortable through drag and drop
7. New: colorful indicators in the left shell sessions sidebar
9. New: background and text colors now customizable
10. New: able to change host alias in "Settings…" panel
11. Fixed: erratic crashes when connecting two or more hosts
12. Fixed: reverse video behavior insane
13. Fixed: cursor not redraw when background color was changed
14. Fixed: switch to and soft reset primary screen buffer after disconnected from ssh host abnormally
15. Fixed: import / export hosts now preserves customized colors
16. Shortcuts: Command + K for "Connect…", Command + T for "New Shell on Same Host", Command + { and Command + } for switch between shell sessions

## Text Rendering Improvements

1. Auto lighten color for bold text
2. CJK and Emoji no longer lead Latin characters offset upward
3. Bold and italic effect for fonts have no bold / italic variants
4. Better effect for underlined text

## Copying / Pasting Changes

1. Always paste newlines as carriage returns
2. Remove unnecessary spaces from pasted text
3. Keep background when coping and pasting rich text out
4. Remove unnecessary newline separators from copied text

## Others:

1. Primary and alternate screens have different terminal titles
2. Reliable and smarter autoscroll when input
3. Other trivial improvements

SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端-麦氪派
SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端-麦氪派
SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端-麦氪派
SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端-麦氪派
SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 激活版 – 堪比SecureCRT的远程终端-麦氪派

SSH Shell for Mac 16.06 下载

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