DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 破解版 – 最好用的DMG镜像制作工具


2016-10-10 3,340 百度已收录

DMG Canvas是一款Mac上快速生成DMG镜像的工具,能够自定义镜像的背景、名称、窗口大小和出现位置等等,非常的好用!

[DMG Canvas 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元]

DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 介绍

DMG Canvas builds disk images from template documents that you create. Simply design your disk image's appearance using the graphical editor and click Build. Each time you release a new version of your disk image, simply click Build again and DMG Canvas will pull together all of the latest versions of your files. DMG Canvas also allows you to specify the license agreements displayed when the disk image is mounted, and use localized versions for non-English end users.

DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 破解版 – 最好用的DMG镜像制作工具-麦氪派
DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 破解版 – 最好用的DMG镜像制作工具-麦氪派
DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 破解版 – 最好用的DMG镜像制作工具-麦氪派

DMG Canvas for Mac 2.3.3 下载

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