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贪吃蛇英文版 v1.4.2

点赞 (671)
  • 版本:v1.4.2
  • 平台:安卓
  • 类型:其它游戏
  • 发布:2024-04-07 15:17:21
  • 语言:中文
  • 大小:55.36M


Snake is a classic arcade game that has been enjoyed by millions of players worldwide. In this game, players control a snake that moves around a grid, growing longer with each bite of a fruit. The objective is to eat as many fruits as possible without colliding with the snake's own body or the boundaries of the grid.

贪吃蛇英文版 1


1. Use the arrow keys or the joystick to control the direction of the snake.

2. Collect the fruits that appear on the screen to make the snake grow longer.

3. Avoid colliding with the snake's own body or the boundaries of the grid to prevent the game from ending.


1. Start the game and select the difficulty level.

2. Use the controls to navigate the snake and collect fruits.

3. Watch out for obstacles and try to avoid them to stay in the game longer.

4. As the snake grows longer, it becomes more challenging to control, so be careful not to hit yourself or the boundaries.

5. Score points by collecting fruits and reach the highest score possible.


1. Start by collecting fruits that are close to the snake's head to grow faster.

2. Avoid corners and tight spaces as they can make it easier to hit yourself.

3. Keep an eye on the boundaries of the grid and avoid getting too close to them.

4. Use acceleration sparingly as it can make the snake more difficult to control.


Snake is a timeless classic that is easy to pick up and play but challenging to master. The graphics are simple yet effective, and the controls are responsive and intuitive. The game's addictive nature and high replay value make it a great choice for players of all ages. Whether you're playing for a few minutes or hours, Snake will provide you with a fun and challenging experience.








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